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Showing posts from June, 2018

6 Areas of Interest in the Mechanical Engineering Field

Environment The environment is an area of interest for many different types of industries to consider. For mechanical engineers, it is the effects of their designs on the environments, as well as the effects of the environment on their designs, with which they would be concerned. At Duotech Services, when dealing with equipment that can easily be disrupted by environmental effects in aircraft, the environment is a big factor in  how enclosures are designed and considered in any probable environmental situation . Dynamics At the heart of most moving or changing physical systems is a mechanical engineer who has tested, researched, theorized and computed every movement of that system and how to optimize it. The optimization usually consists of dynamic theories being experimented with using computational, iterative methods. One way Duotech Services uses these testing methods in their designs is when  analyzing vibrational effects on equipment in an aircraft . Energy Systems Wh

Steam Turbines

Steam turbines Steam turbines were fueled by  coal  or, later,  fuel oil  or  nuclear power . The marine  steam turbine  developed by Sir  Charles Algernon Parsons [2]  raised the power-to-weight ratio. He achieved publicity by demonstrating it unofficially in the 100-foot (30 m)  Turbinia  at the  Spithead   Naval Review  in 1897. This facilitated a generation of high-speed liners in the first half of the 20th century, and rendered the reciprocating steam engine obsolete; first in warships, and later in merchant vessels. In the early 20th century, heavy fuel oil came into more general use and began to replace coal as the fuel of choice in steamships. Its great advantages were convenience, reduced manpower by removal of the need for  trimmers  and stokers, and reduced space needed for fuel bunkers. In the second half of the 20th century, rising fuel costs almost led to the demise of the steam turbine. Most new ships since around 1960 have been built with  diesel engines . The la