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Showing posts from December, 2018

What is difference between plane angle and solid angle?

A plane angle is one that can be measured completely within a plane. This may be because the angle occurs in a 2-D space, or it is an angle that is contained completely within a plane that is in a 3-D (or higher-D) space. So the angles in a triangle are plane angles, because they are in a plane. Similarly, the angles in a spherical triangle are plane angles, because even though they measure things in a 3-D space, they can always be shown to be wholly within a plane. Another way to consider a plane angle is to think of angles within a circle. You can divide the circle up into 2π radians, for example, or 360°, or 400 gon, or whatever units you choose. However, the radian as a unit is defined by the subtended arc length that is equal to the radius of the circle. A steradian, the basic unit, is solid angle is one that is subtended by a portion of the surface area of a sphere that is equal to r^2, where r is the radius of the sphere. It can be considered to be a cone subtended at

Major Types Of Power Plants To Generate Energy

Power is the main source of  strength for this modern era. Without power everything is useless.Here is the list of different types of power plants: Nuclear power plant :  Using a nuclear fission reaction and uranium as fuel, nuclear power plants generate high amount of electricity. As nuclear power plants emit low greenhouse gas emissions, the energy is considered as environmentally friendly. When compared to renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind, the power generation from nuclear power plants is considered to be more reliable. Though the investments required to set up nuclear power plants are huge, the costs involved in operating them are low. Besides, nuclear energy sources have higher density than fossil fuels and release massive amounts of energy. Due to this, nuclear power plants require low quantities of fuel but produce enormous amounts of power. Hydroelectric power plant :  Hydroelectricity is produced by harnessing the gravitational force of